Moneymaker 番茄种子 容易生长,非转基因 Tomato, Moneymaker – 50 Seeds – Easy to Grow – Heirloom – NonGMO 货号:TOMATO SEED 品牌:Moneymaker

Moneymaker 番茄种子 容易生长,非转基因

英文名:Tomato, Moneymaker – 50 Seeds – Easy to Grow – Heirloom – NonGMO















•American grown seeds

•Easy to grow

•USDA Zones: 3-12


Moneymaker tomatoes are one of the oldest heirloom tomato varieties in the world. Deep red, smooth, round, 4 ounce tomatoes that grow in clusters. This variety does well in hot conditions, but will grow in just about any weather. It takes about 77 days to mature. This rare old English heirloom tomato seed was originally released in 1913.

Growing Instructions:

Start growing indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost of the spring, sowing open pollinated seeds in a flat 1/4" deep and 1" apart. Keep the temperature between 70-75° until germination and be sure to proved adequate light in a sunny window or under a grow light. Keep the soil moist, but make sure drainage is adequate. When the second set of leaves emerges, transplant the seedlings into individual pots burying the stems up to the lowest set of leaves to grow strongly rooted plants when temps are at least 70°. Harden off for a week before transplanting. Plant in full sun and very rich soil.