Norethindrone acetate-D8(Synonyms: 19-Norethindrone acetate-D8)

Norethindrone acetate-D8 (Synonyms: 19-Norethindrone acetate-D8)

Norethindrone acetate-D8 (19-Norethindrone acetate-D8) 是 Norethindrone acetate 的氘代物。Norethindrone acetate 是一种雌性激素,可用于子宫内膜异位症研究。

Norethindrone acetate-D8(Synonyms: 19-Norethindrone acetate-D8)

Norethindrone acetate-D8 Chemical Structure

规格 价格 是否有货
1 mg ¥2200 询问价格 & 货期
5 mg ¥4900 询问价格 & 货期
10 mg ¥6800 询问价格 & 货期

* Please select Quantity before adding items.


Norethindrone acetate-D8 (19-Norethindrone acetate-D8) is the deuterium labeled Norethindrone acetate. Norethindrone acetate is a female hormone used for the research of endometriosis[1].

(In Vitro)

Stable heavy isotopes of hydrogen, carbon, and other elements have been incorporated into drug molecules, largely as tracers for quantitation during the drug development process. Deuteration has gained attention because of its potential to affect the pharmacokinetic and metabolic profiles of drugs[1].

Shanghai Jinpan Biotech Co Ltd has not independently confirmed the accuracy of these methods. They are for reference only.






醋酸炔诺酮 D8


Room temperature in continental US; may vary elsewhere.


Please store the product under the recommended conditions in the Certificate of Analysis.

  • [1]. Russak EM, et al. Impact of Deuterium Substitution on the Pharmacokinetics of Pharmaceuticals. Ann Pharmacother. 2019;53(2):211-216.

    [2]. Muneyyirci-Delale O, et al. Effect of norethindrone acetate in the treatment of symptomatic endometriosis. Int J Fertil Womens Med. 1998 Jan-Feb;43(1):24-7.;Kaser DJ, et al. Use of norethindrone acetate alone for postoperative suppression of endometriosis symptoms. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol. 2012 Apr;25(2):105-8.;Maier WE, et al. Pharmacology and toxicology of ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone acetate in experimental animals. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2001 Aug;34(1):53-61.;Cheng DC, et al. Norethindrone acetate inhibition of triglyceride synthesis and release by rat hepatocytes. Atherosclerosis. 1983 Jan;46(1):41-8.
